Post #46: A Crater On The Moon

A Crater On The Moon

If you look up at the sky during the night, there’s a very good chance you will see the moon. It’s so far away; most of the time we only see a sliver of it. On the occasion of a full moon, it just looks like a tiny, smooth, luminescent ball. Because of this, the moon is overlooked a lot. But when we think about it, we know that it is much, much more than what we perceive it to be from down here, from Earth. If you take a closer look, with a telescope or through pictures you can find, you will see that the moon is massive, and it is severely dented. Without an atmosphere to protect it, asteroids and other flying debris have smashed into the moon, forming various peaks and valleys – some spanning the size of seas. From Earth you can make out some of those craters from the lack of colour uniformity across the surface. That’s exactly what makes the moon beautiful. That’s the reason why some people look up at the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of it. The moon’s imperfections are what make it unique and intriguing. Likewise, it is our imperfections that make us whole…

In my art piece today, I decided to pay homage to the unusual, yet entrancing appearance of the moon by drawing my impression of a crater on its surface. Instead of adding colour to this piece, I decided to give it a bit of a different vibe by experimenting with pencil shading. It gave a really nice effect of the depth of the crater and I’m really happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it and that it inspires you to look at things from another perspective. For a change, we could explore deeper, and take a look at the dark side of the moon.

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