The Central York Leadership Group (CYLG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging high-school students to take on civic roles in their community. On April 20, 2024, the CYLG hosted its first Career Carnival to provide youth with information about potential career pathways while engaging in fun carnival games. As the Event Chair of the CYLG, I conceptualized and structured the event from start to finish. I learned a great deal about formal event planning, and was able to understand the importance of both anticipating situations and taking initiative on the spot.

Post #70: Empowering Youth Leaders: A Networking Conference

As the Event Chair of the Newmarket Youth Leadership Group, a not-for-profit organization, the first big event we planned for the 2023-2024 school year was a Networking Conference called “Empowering Youth Leaders.” Being a leader can seem daunting and scary, but when I came up with the idea for this event, I wanted to showcase that anybody can be a leader.